View Full Version : monitor an http socket

25th May 2012, 05:27
Hi All,

I want to monitor the http socket connection for connection and data transfer,I am familiar with signals associated Qt socket classes.

I am using QNetworkAccessManager object for http post and get operations,so how to get the http socket info.


25th May 2012, 05:31
I am using QNetworkAccessManager object for http post and get operations,so how to get the http socket info.
What do you mean by "the http socket info"?

25th May 2012, 05:46
sorry so missed the details,
what I understand from network stack is http uses tcp socket for data transfer,so I want to get the status of this socket for connection,disconnect,errors etc.

26th May 2012, 04:32
You listen to the signals emitted by the QNetworkReply you received from your call to QNetworkAccessManager::get(). You can also look at QNetworkReply::error() for more details.