View Full Version : how to draw a widget on another widget?

28th May 2012, 06:10
suppose I have a widget ,say, QTextEdit, it already has some corresponding attributes: text, font, color, ....
I want to draw it onto a widget of my own

how can I achieve that?

class MyWidget : public QWidget

void MyWidget :: paint()

Santosh Reddy
28th May 2012, 08:41
Make your custom widget as the parent of QTextEdit

28th May 2012, 10:01
Hi Santosh, Thanks
it do works, but in some cases I have to PAINT an existing widget on my widget , any ideas about it ?

Santosh Reddy
28th May 2012, 10:16
How does these two differ? I see both of them as same.

28th May 2012, 10:29
here are some cases I can find out:
1) you can not set the widget as child
2) you want to get a snap shot

28th May 2012, 11:25