View Full Version : QSystemStorageInfo not recognized during compile

1st June 2012, 14:58
Hello everybody,

I am writing a desktop application for Mac and Windows and I want to use the QSystemStorageInfo class which is part of QtMobility. I am using Qt Creator 2.4.1 based on Qt 4.7.4. QtMobility 1.2 should be part of this? The compiler does not recognise the QSystemStorageInfo class though.

I tried this:

but as I run the configure script it states that it cannot find qmake.. Where is qmake located normally?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

2nd June 2012, 01:49
Qt Mobility is not part of Qt. It is an add-on to Qt that has to be installed separately. To use qmake from the command line, the easiest way is to launch "Qt command prompt" which sets up proper environment variables. Other than that, qmake is located inside your Qt installation.

4th June 2012, 12:07
Thanks for your reply! I am not able to find this Qt command prompt anywhere though.. Do you have any idea where it could be? I am running Qt Creator 2.4.1
Based on Qt 4.7.4..

4th June 2012, 16:44
Have you tried your Start Menu?

5th June 2012, 09:43
In fact, no, because I am running on Mac. ;) However I searched my disk using spotlight.. I the Qt command prompt a Windows only feature possibly?

I shall reformulate my question:
Is there anybody who knows how to make QtMobility classes (QSystemStorageInfo ) work on Mac using Qt Creator 2.4.1 based on Qt 4.7.4?

When I run ./configure to install QtMobility from a bash shell I keep on getting the error that qmake cannot be found, even when I copy it to the folder I am in. However I think QtMobility *should* already be installed because my package manager int the Qt Maintenance application says so! The classes are not recognised by the compiler though.

5th June 2012, 12:41
On Mac open a terminal and make sure the bin directory of your QtSDK bundle is in the $PATH. But before you do all that, try launching the QtSDK maintenance tool (provided you're using QtSDK) and see if you can install Mobility from there.