View Full Version : Set property for custom plugin widget

5th June 2012, 12:16
For instance, I have a custom plugin widget, which is made up of a QComboBox and a QLineEdit. Now I want to set the properties of each widget.
Usually, we can change the property by the table which is in the lower right corner of Qt designer. When I press the mouse on my custom plugin widget I can not focus on any of the widget but only the whole custom plugin widget. Could any one can help me to focus on the signal widget? Thank you very much!

5th June 2012, 15:09
You can't do that since Designer can only modify properties that are exposed by the widget. Properties of the combo and line edit are not exposed by your widget. You either need to do that for every property you need or resign from using a custom plugin for your widget and instead compose the user interface manually from two widgets you want to have direct access to.

6th June 2012, 02:18
Thank you! You know, I hope you are not right, cz I will have a lot of work to do!:o

6th June 2012, 10:12
I'm sorry but I am right.