View Full Version : How do I point to a C++ library (non Qt library)

6th June 2012, 21:00
How do I point to a C++ library in Qt. Should I duplicate the below line in the dot pro file and point to a specific file:


EG: include(C:/abc/def/First Name Library)

When I do this and look at the compile output, I do not see the new path being used.

Is there some kind of instuction such as the below one that I should be using:

library(C:/abc/def/First Name Library)

Thank you,
Chris L.

6th June 2012, 21:21
LIBS += -Lpath/to/library -lnameoflibrary

6th June 2012, 22:09
The qmake manual has some pertinent information.

7th June 2012, 13:37
What do I do if the path to the library folder contains many blank characters? Which of the below declarations is most correct. Can I specify just the folder, or should I specify a particular file in that folder.

(1) LIBS += C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library

(2) LIBS += "C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library"

(3) LIBS += 'C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library'

Below Contains many blanks after the "+=":

LIBS += C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library
LIBS += "C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library"
LIBS += 'C:/Temp/The C++ Library/code is here/library'
Thank you,
Chris L.

7th June 2012, 14:32
Apart from 1 and 4 they are all equivalent. Why don't you just try them all yourself and see what works and what doesn't?

7th June 2012, 23:51
You might also look in the qmake manual for the quote() function.