View Full Version : Reusing .ts without source

20th December 2006, 18:39
I hope this is the right forum - apologies if not.

We do not ship source code (not my call, please no open-source flames :) ) but we do ship a .ts file with our translatable strings (which our customers can then add translations to). When we have a new release, we release a new .ts. Is there any way for our customers to merge an existing .ts (with translations that they have added) with the new .ts file (other than using an XML editor/merge tool)? They can't use lupdate without source...

Tim Langevin

EDIT: Meant to include: using Qt 3.3.5 on Windows and Linux (customers might only have one platform or the other available though).

20th December 2006, 20:04
You can provide a php script on your website which will call lupdate to merge files provided by your clients and return them the result.

21st December 2006, 17:57
Thanks for the response. It's a really neat idea - wish I had the php chops to pull it off. Anyway, I'll take it from your response (and the lack of any others) that I haven't missed a Qt utility for bring old translations into a new .ts file.

Thanks again