View Full Version : Control widget positioning with multiple desktops with multiple screens

21st December 2006, 11:48

I'm developing an application in an environment with three screens with two GPU's.
We have two separate desktops, the first desktop with two screens ( screen1 and screen2, atached to a single GPU) as a virtual desktop, and the second desktop with one single screen ( screen3 atached to the second GPU) .

screen1 screen2 screen3
.------------- ------------- -------------
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.------------- ------------- -------------
desktop1 desktop2

I see QDesktopWidget gives only information about the screens and I need to have some control to put my widgets on the screen I want. For example, I can't find how to change the primary screen of the application ( at runtime, obviously ). Moving is not the solution because they are separate desktops so I can't move a widget from screen2 to screen3 for example. Another useful feature for me would be to attach the main window to a default desktop, independently from the desktop I'm invoking the application.

I'm working on linux as the main platform, qt 4.2.2, but I would like to have the most portable solution to control where I put the widgets in the available screens