View Full Version : Qt creator - Konsole vs Xterm

16th June 2012, 11:34
I am trying to make a console application with qt-creator, but it uses xterm by default !!!
In xterm i barely can see the characters .... It has no zoom no nothing!!!

I go to
tools --> options --> environment --> Terminal
and write there
konsole (opens konsole but shows nothing ....)
konsole -e (says ... Cannot connect creator comm socket)
konsole -x (it does not even open)

Can anyone help ???
Thanks in advance ....

16th June 2012, 17:20
Try konsole --nofork -e

16th June 2012, 17:58
Friend it opens the konsole, it waits from me to enter the input.
I entered them, I pressed enter and nothing, even I press 100 times the enter...
Any ideas friend ??

16th June 2012, 18:36
Seems there is a bug open on this: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-1633

16th June 2012, 19:02
Thanks for the reply friend !!

18th June 2012, 00:34
xterm is completely configurable. Generally it has a default font of "fixed" (a bitmap fonts)

Assuming your xterm has Freetype support built in you can run use options like:

xterm -fa "Liberation Mono" -fs 10

# To get a list of acceptable fonts
fc-list :scaleable=true:spacing=mono: | sort

# to see current xterm related default settings
xrdb -q | grep -i xterm

You can make that selection permanent by adding settings to your X11 resources (typically a file ~/.Xresources):

XTerm*faceName: Courier:style=Regular
XTerm*faceSize: 14

You may need to comment out other lines setting xterm fonts and/or use a different file depending on your distribution etc. Some general guidance can be found here (http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3907291). Also see the "xrdb" man page.

Once running if you hold down Control and left, middle, or right click you will get menus that allow you change things on the fly. The right-click menu allows you to change the font size.