View Full Version : Problem with QSortFilterProxyModel

18th June 2012, 09:55
I am trying to get a QSortFilterProxyModel to filter a table based on two inputs. The first input is a string that can have wildcards in it while the second one is a dropdown which shows the names of all the columns in the table.

When the user enters a string in the first input and selects a column I call the model and set the QSortFilterProxyModel in the way shown below.

// Find button pressed
QString searchValue = ui->keywordLineEdit->text();
QString searchField = ui->fromComboBox->currentText();
QString searchFilter = searchField + "=" + searchValue;
qDebug() << "Searching for " << searchValue << "from" << ui->fromComboBox->currentIndex() << "!!!";
if (!searchValue.isEmpty()) {
model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);

QSortFilterProxyModel *filterModel1 = new QSortFilterProxyModel();


This does not seem to show anything in the tableview. Could anyone help me by identifying what I am missing?



Added after 19 minutes:

It seems that every time I ask a question the solution comes to me immediately afterwards.

I am sorry for posting questions and answering them a few minutes later. It seems that I need to trust myself to find the answer a little longer.

I solved this by changing the
filterModel1->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(searchValue, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString));

This seemed to do the trick even though I think I tried this before but something else must have been the problem.

Thanks and sorry for the redundant post.


18th June 2012, 16:39
It seems that every time I ask a question the solution comes to me immediately afterwards.

I am sorry for posting questions and answering them a few minutes later. It seems that I need to trust myself to find the answer a little longer.

That's not a problem. Sometimes it is important to write a simple definition of a problem, step back and look at it to find a solution. It's great that you managed to find the solution on your own, don't be sorry for that.