View Full Version : Calling Dialog Box from Main Window

29th June 2012, 06:44
I am trying to call a dialog box from a main window. I'm creating the new dialog box in QT Designer. After compiling the new window (myNewDialog), I get the file ui_myNewDialog.h, however, there is no .cpp file. Do I have to create this manually? Also, I expected a myNewDialog.h file, not ui_myNewDialog.h,

Thanks for any input.

29th June 2012, 08:19
you must select a new "Qt Designer Form Class" while adding new dialog so that the creator creates a new .cpp,.h and .ui file for you

29th June 2012, 20:09
Thank you. I'll test it out and update this forum.

30th June 2012, 21:25
Ok, I got it to work. Thank you for your help.
Sorry about my 'Newbie'-ness.