View Full Version : Is there a way to view a QImage “live” on the UI?

14th July 2012, 18:55
I’m learning Qt, and have come across a problem I can’t figure out, so I’d like to ask the experts!

I am working on an application where I’d like to have a QImage object (using format QImage::Format_RGB888), and be able to manipulate individual pixels with the setPixel() method & save the images with QImageWriter… so far, so good. This all works.

My way of showing this Qimage is that the QMainWIndow contains a QGraphicsView object, and I created a QGraphicsScene, and set that scene on my MainWindow graphicsView.

The problem is that I’d like to be able to show this QImage on the UI “live”, such that the user can see the pixels changing, as they are being manipulated. Currently, I have to re-generate a QGraphicsPixmapItem from the image, and re-addPixmap() to the scene, every time I want to see new changes.

Is there a way to view a QImage live, so that changes that are made are immediately seen? Am I using the wrong objects to hold and/or display my image?

I have a simple example attached (just the mainwindow.cpp part… the other files are just default stuff). This UI just has a button (to trigger the QImage changes), and place to display the QImage on the screen.

I’ve searched the internet, but haven’t come across any posts that seem relevant. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d appreciate hearing them! thanks,


QGraphicsScene *scene = NULL;
QGraphicsItem *line = NULL;
QImage *image = NULL;
QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = NULL;

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

scene = new QGraphicsScene();
image = new QImage(60, 60, QImage::Format_RGB888 );



line = (QGraphicsItem*) scene->addLine( QLine( 20, 40, 300, 100 ),
QPen(Qt::red, 6, Qt::DashLine, Qt::FlatCap));
scene->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::green, Qt::SolidPattern));
scene->addEllipse(40, 80, 300, 240,
QPen(Qt::blue, 10, Qt::DashDotDotLine, Qt::RoundCap));

item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap::fromImage(*image));

// Connect the pushbutton to the buttonPressed method, below.
connect( ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()),
this, SLOT( buttonPressed() ) );

// Slot connected to the button being pressed.
// Manipulate some pixels, and show the results.
void MainWindow::buttonPressed()
printf("Now in buttonPressed...\n");
int x, y;
int offset = qrand();
QRgb px;

px = qRgb(20+offset, 10-offset, 30+offset);

for (x=0; x< 60; x++)
for(y=0; y< 60; y++)
image->setPixel(x, y, px );
// I'd like to NOT have to re-convert the image every time.
item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap::fromImage(*image));

14th July 2012, 22:54
will this help?

15th July 2012, 04:24
Rather than recreating the whole QGraphicsPixmapItem each time you could just call setPixmap() on it using the pointer you are already holding. You cannot avoid converting the QImage for display.

17th July 2012, 01:47
Hi Amleto, Thanks for this pointer... I will look into it! -Eric

Added after 32 minutes:

Hi ChrisW67, Thanks for looking at this...
I will explore this option too! -Eric

17th July 2012, 13:07
You should have a look at the "Queued Custom Type Example" in Qt SDK.