View Full Version : QTableView problem - selecting multiple items

18th July 2012, 13:05
I have set up a QAbstractItemModel for a QTableView.
Also implemented a selectionChanged signal for selecting multiple rows in QTableView.

However, when I select more than one items in the QTableView, I found only the last item has been identified by the QModelIndexList (selected.indexes()).

Anyone has any advice.
I am grateful for your comment and suggestions.

18th July 2012, 14:01
What did you do in selectionChanged slot ? Its a virtual slot, and what changes have you done to it ?

Also have you tried setting the selection mode to multi selection ?

18th July 2012, 14:16
Do you mean selectionChanged signal? I made a customised slot to be invoked by the selectionChanged signal.

Yes, I have set the selection mode of the QTableView as QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection.

Added after 6 minutes:

For the connection:

connect(entityTableView->selectionModel(),SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)), this,
SLOT(selectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)));

For the slot:

void Scope::selectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected)
int selectedItems = 0;
QModelIndexList items = selected.indexes();
selectedItems = selected.indexes().size();

Everytime, the selectedItems is equal to 1 not the number that I have selected.