View Full Version : QMessageBox::warning() problem in closing this window?????

19th July 2012, 09:05
I have written a code but I feel it does not work properly as I want.
QMessageBox::critical(this,"Error" , " GAME OVER " , QMessageBox::Close);

I want my application to Close totally after I push the Close button but I does not work that way!
waht should I do about it?

my another question is that I have changed the background but the background of my message box has changed too , I do not know why?

thanx for ur upcoming answers:o

19th July 2012, 10:25
Is that all the code? It only shows a message box.

19th July 2012, 10:35
Use this----->

void QMessageBox::buttonClicked (doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qmessagebox.html) ( QAbstractButton * button ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever a button is clicked inside the QMessageBox. The button that was clicked in returned in button.