View Full Version : QLineEdit and Float Format !!

27th July 2012, 15:32
i have a QLineEdit and i want it to display float Number so add ".00"
automatically when ever the user enter number with out the "." or when i use "setText" so is there a feature i can use to do that, or i have to code it ??

for example :

if the user enter "5466" when user leave the lineEdit it make "5466.00" and the same case when if i used setText

Thank you

27th July 2012, 18:32
You'll need to subclass it IIRC.

Off the top of my head the pseudo code looks like this:

connect(textEdit event, qlineeditsubclass::mysupercoolslot)
setCurrentDisplayedString(QString(get <CURR_STRING>,'f',2));


Where get <CURR_STRING> is just asking the QLineEdit for a copy of its string, 'f' says you want floating point format, and '2' says you want 2 decimal places.

Works like a charm.

27th July 2012, 18:47
Install a validator on the line edit that will fixup() the content according to your needs.

27th July 2012, 19:53
@tescrin, thank you so much,but i really don't prefer to subclass it.


i though vaidatores are just ensure the input is limited depending on what Regexp u have , and return (valid, intermediate or invalid). but how i can make it fix the text entered to the format i want??

could you please explain with an example or point me to where i can fine one.

thank you soo much

27th July 2012, 20:17
i though vaidatores are just ensure the input is limited depending on what Regexp u have , and return (valid, intermediate or invalid). but how i can make it fix the text entered to the format i want??

Both validate() and fixup() take a non-const reference to the text they process so you can actually modify it to return an accepted value. Take a look at the docs of QValidator::fixup().

27th July 2012, 21:15
Neat; so he'd set a QRegExp that only accepts input when it has the two decimal points, and he'd reimplement fixup?

If so, it's a better version of my answer => Jesse_mark will still need to subclass

As a side note, I wouldn't be afraid of subclassing. You can fit all of your code into the header file probably:

#include <QLineEdit>

class MyLineEdit :public QLineEdit{
//constructor/destructors go here

//something close to this. Syntax might be off a bit
void fixup ( QString & input ) const { input = input.number(input,'f',2);}

Then just promote in your UI if you need to. It's not scary :)

28th July 2012, 20:39
If so, it's a better version of my answer => Jesse_mark will still need to subclass
No, why? Using QLineEdit is perfectly fine. Only a subclass of QValidator is needed.