View Full Version : set column as not editable in Qtablewidget

31st July 2012, 10:03
connect(ui->widget,SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int,int)),this,SLO T(column_check(int,int)));

void Saleorder::column_check(int row,int column)
QTableWidgetItem* itemtot=ui->widget->item(row, 9);

if( column == 9 )
if (itemtot && !itemtot->text().isEmpty())

i tried this but the program is crashed.

Any one help me solve the problem.

Is there is any other way to achieve to make the entire column as not editable

Thanks in advance

31st July 2012, 10:23
tableWidgetItem->setFlags(tableWidgetItem->flags() & (~Qt::ItemIsEditable));

Remove your signal-slot code.

1st August 2012, 05:57
I used another way

Qt::ItemFlags Saleorder::flags( const QModelIndex &index) const
Qt::ItemFlags flags = QSqlTableModel::flags(index);
if (index.column() == 9 )
flags &= ~Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return flags;

But i need to know.how can i call this method

1st August 2012, 09:45
calling by the method name. I think you dont know the concept of c++.