View Full Version : Changing the border of a QRubberBand

31st July 2012, 16:28

In my program I draw rectangle rubberbands on a QGraphicsView with the mouse and I now I want to have the border of the rubber band have a marching ant kind of effect.
The first thing I am trying to to is subclassing the QRubberband and re-implementing the paintEvent. And also set the effect using a QTimer.
The QTimer is in my QGV class.

I simply set the timer up there.

m_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateBorder()));

void WaveObject::updateBorder()
m_rubberBand->update(); //MyRubberBand object

Then in my QRubberband subclass I am trying a few things:

void MyRubberBand::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPen pen;
QVector<qreal> dashes;
qreal space = 2;
dashes << 1 << space << 3 << space << 9 << space
<< 2 << space << 2 << space;

QStylePainter painter(this);
QStyleOptionRubberBand option;
painter.drawControl(QStyle::CE_RubberBand, option);

This doesn't do anything yet, which si expected because I don't really understand very well how the offset and setting patterns work. Can someone point in the right direction ?? Any help much appreciated.

1st August 2012, 03:17
Seems like all you need to do is to change "m_offset" in the timeout slot by incrementing it with each timeout (mod( pattern length) so it cycles from 0 to pattern length). Otherwise it looks to me like you have interpreted the dash pattern and offset methods correctly.