View Full Version : Crashing problem. Having trouble debugging.

3rd August 2012, 18:28
I have some debug compilation issues so I've only been able to narrow down that this is a segfault problem (as far as I can tell) and that the form-generated code is causing it; though I don't see any obvious faults. (it seems to crash at the first icon allocation/assignment part of the code, but.. that didn't seem right to me.)

I've added the relevant folders. Someone who wants to check it out will have to build a quick empty project and call the necessary allocation (such as "object = new BERTKeypad")

This started happening after I edited the form. The form was originally created in Qt Designer from Creator, and is now being modified via Visual Studio's Qt Designer (there are mild differences in my experience.) I expect some code in there is no longer relevant and was not deleted after I modified the form.

Thank you for any assistance!

4th August 2012, 13:37
Someone who wants to check it out will have to build a quick empty project and call the necessary allocation (such as "object = new BERTKeypad")
(If you really wish for debugging help, _you_ have to build and provide a test program and explain where in that you get an error.)

7th August 2012, 18:44
Made some progress on it. The call causing it was a call to "layout()" or thusly this->layout(), but it seems that that is a container of a Qdialog and not the dialog itself, and thus crashes.

Does this sound like what Qt would do? Do you have any clue as to why Qt would seg-fault on a QWidget::layout() call?

I ended up adding it back in on a sort of... resize function and it no longer segfaults on it. I'm.. still unsure as to why layout() would ever be a problem; but it seems to be resolved.

7th August 2012, 19:32
layout can return 0