View Full Version : MultiLinguage implementation in QTQuick.

4th August 2012, 14:51
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to implement MultiLanguage feature in QTQuick. Here I'm facing some problem.
My pro file contains
TRANSLATIONS += Lang_en.ts \
Lang_fr.ts \

While using "lupdate" it is giving me following error.

Starting external tool 'D:/ProgramFiles/Simulator/Qt/msvc2008/bin/lupdate.exe' D:/SATYA'S_QML/QmlLang/QmlLang.pro
lupdate error: File 'D:/SATYAS_QML/QmlLang/QmlLang.pro' does not exist.

'D:/ProgramFiles/Simulator/Qt/msvc2008/bin/lupdate.exe' finished
What should be done to avoid the above error to implement the language feature?

6th August 2012, 07:31
Use lupdate <your_pro.pro> in command prompt.

For further reference read this (http://qt-project.org/wiki/How_to_do_dynamic_translation_in_QML).