View Full Version : Can I change titlebar height and frame width using stylesheet?

7th August 2012, 03:42
I can change titlebar hegiht and frame width using qstyle like this :

int MyStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric which, const QStyleOption *option, const QWidget *widget) const
switch (which)
case PM_DefaultFrameWidth:
return 5;
case PM_TitleBarHeight:
return 50;
return QWindowsStyle::pixelMetric(which, option, widget);

but I want to change them using style sheet.

Is it possible?
I search method to change them using style sheet some hours, but I can't find.

Can I change titlebar height and frame width only using qstyle??

7th August 2012, 09:16
AFAIK you can't style top level window title bars with style sheets.