View Full Version : QTextEdit problem after copying a link

9th August 2012, 15:33

I have a simple chat program. Everything works fine but if I copy-paste a link to my text edit(QTextEdit) and send it, the program sends the link as well. But after sending the link, anything I write to this text edit appears as link although they are not.

It seems like QTextEdit puts "href" to all messages.

Any ideas?

9th August 2012, 16:22
check the format in the textcursor.

9th August 2012, 21:50
QTextEdit::insertHtml (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qtextedit.html#insertHtml)

Have you taken a look at that? And the slot right below it? They seem to be what you are looking for.