View Full Version : QMultimediaKit not supported in Qt 4.7

12th August 2012, 12:59
QtMultimediaKit such as, QCamera, QCameraImageCapture, etc as described in http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/multimedia.html

cannot be included in my Qt Gui application. Headers not included, though I could only add
QtMultimedia header file.

Is that because it is not supported in Qt 4.7 ? or I am missing something?

by the way, I need this to get a live video capture via ethernet. I exactly need to know which Qt capability is the best to handle this,
shall I go for Phonon? Multimedia? or ...

12th August 2012, 18:59
You may be missing this in your .pro file (that page does not mention it):
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += multimedia

3rd February 2015, 16:36
Hey saman_artorious, did you manage to use it?