View Full Version : How to undo the changes made in a widget.

14th August 2012, 09:23
Hi all,

I am having a window in which multiple widgets are there like lineedit and combobox etc. user is allowed to do the changes and after changing he/she can save the changes. before saving it I am checking that iany changes made or not using IsWindowModified. now after checking it I am showing a warning message in which three buttons yes No and cancel are there. I want to revert the changes wehatever made in that window if user clicks on NO.
please help me how to do it? I mean is there any function available in qt for undoing the changes of the widgets(as IsWindowModified is there for checking the changes made or not)

thanx in advance.

14th August 2012, 09:51
I do not think such a thing exists. You could implement that yourself. Design a data structure to store the information presented in the window and write a function to set the widgets up to reflect the information in such a structure. Call that function when initializing the window and call it again when you need to revert the changes. You can detect changes by raising a flag when one of the relevant properties of the widgets is modified.

14th August 2012, 10:46
thanks for the reply.

I thought about it before but didnt implement it because it will be a huge work as my window has lots of information. for checking the changes as I already said that we have IsWindowmodified property which returns true if anything is modified. But for undoing those changes I didnt get any1.

15th August 2012, 00:29
QLineEdit has a default value property you can use to store the initial value and then just reset it when the user rejects the changes. You can use a dynamic property for other widgets for the same purpose.