View Full Version : Qt with Visual Studio 2005

14th August 2012, 11:49
hi, (this question may be more about Visual Studio but as i'm using it in conjunction with Qt and a few other posts contain questions on Visual Studio also, i took the liberty of posting this here)
i've the following in the custom build property of every header file that uses Q_OBJECT:

Command Line: $(THIRDPARTY_DIR)\qt\4.7.0\win32-vc10\bin\moc.exe $(InputFileName) -o moc\$(ConfigurationName)\moc_$(InputName).cpp
Description: ################### moc'ing $(InputFileName)
Outputs: moc\$(ConfigurationName)\moc_$(InputName).cpp
This generates the necessary moc files. I now want to ask visual studio to compile and link these too to my other source files. Presently i'm using
#include "moc\{Release OR Debug}\moc_Whatever.cpp" these statements in any of the files to force compilation and linking. Evidently i have to keep changing my #include according to debug or release build (i cannot discard $(ConfiguarationName) during moc file generation above for reasons). Plus i dont like the idea of writing this #include in the source files just for the purposes of compilation and linking.

Is there any build step in properties anywhere where i can mention what files will be generated in future and to compile and link them when they are available (VS2005)?

(i cannot use QtPlugin right now)

14th August 2012, 12:01
First don't include moc files to source files. Add them to project.
Second download and install Qt VS Addin (http://releases.qt-project.org/vsaddin/qt-vs-addin-1.1.11-opensource.exe) and create project from scratch.

14th August 2012, 12:10
To add them to the project they must exist. This is what Visual Studio seems to check. I did the following: Project > add > new filter then Added a moc file from previously generated build. When i did clean (which deleted the moc file) and tried rebuilding the project it complained about the file not being present. how do i specify that it should look for it only after all the custom builds have been executed?

14th August 2012, 14:06
Qt VS Addin do this work for You. It is full automated.