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View Full Version : Qt Vs error?

4th January 2007, 01:39
I'm getting a weird error when I load up my Qt project in MS Visual Studio 2005 and seems related to Qt Visual Studio Integration, just wondering if anyone else has seen or experienced it. Pondering whether I should have to reinstall stuff. Wondering if it's related to the new year (for lack of anything else)

4th January 2007, 06:15
have u tried to open any other qt projects in VS 2005? is it all giving the same error...

or try deleting project file and create project file again using .pro file...

4th January 2007, 08:37
I somehow recall seeing same kind of error message. The problem was solved after fixing inconsistency between environment variables (PATH, QMAKESPEC, QTDIR) and the selected Qt version in VS (Tools->Options->Qt->Builds). You might have to restart VS to get it aware of changes in environment variables.