View Full Version : Problem with setting font via stylesheet

17th August 2012, 07:26
Hello. In my app I need to put three plain textboxes in three tabs. I'm trying to set the font of the textboxes via stylesheets but I seem to be doing something wrong -- can anyone help?

I looked up the documentation and it said that for QTextEdits I should set the style for QAbstractScrollArea but still it is not working. I'm using a QPlainTextEdit -- is that a problem?

The code is:

# include <QtGui/QApplication>
# include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit>
# include <QtGui/QTabWidget>

int main ( int argc, char * argv [] )
QApplication app ( argc, argv ) ;
app . setStyleSheet ( "QAbstractScrollArea { font : \"DejaVu Sans\" }" ) ;

QPlainTextEdit * myInput = new QPlainTextEdit ;

QPlainTextEdit * stdOutput = new QPlainTextEdit ;
stdOutput -> setReadOnly ( true ) ;

QPlainTextEdit * stdError = new QPlainTextEdit ;
stdError -> setReadOnly ( true ) ;

QTabWidget * tabWidget = new QTabWidget ;
tabWidget -> addTab ( myInput, "Input" ) ;
tabWidget -> addTab ( stdOutput, "Output" ) ;
tabWidget -> addTab ( stdError, "Errors" ) ;

tabWidget -> show () ;
return app . exec () ;

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

17th August 2012, 10:19
I don't know, but I think you should try setting the styleseet directly to the widget to see that it works, and after that try to get it inherited. There might just be something simple like a missing ; after the font name that makes Qt not understand the stylesheet.