View Full Version : CPP QML communication

21st August 2012, 08:00
Now I'm working with QT Quick Project -> QT Quick application. I loaded a QML file using QDeclaratieveView and did the CPP to QML and QML to CPP communication. It is worked... :)

Can i do the same in any other QT applications like QT Widget-> QT GUI or Other Project??

21st August 2012, 08:05
For other GUI - yes. But, anyway, you need QDeclaratieveView instance.

21st August 2012, 09:00
thanks for your replay.
But I opened a "QT Widget->QT GUI App" and try to include QDeclarativeView.
then i got the error QDeclarativeView: No such file or directory.. :(

21st August 2012, 09:02
That's because you didn't add QT += declarative in your pro-file.

21st August 2012, 09:37
yes, it is worked... :)
thank you very much.....

I used
qmlRegisterType<Widget>("File", 1,1, "TextUpdate"); to register the class in main and in the QML file I imported the file and called the function
id: sample1
}. then i got the visual c++ runtime library error.. :(

21st August 2012, 09:38
What's an error message?

21st August 2012, 09:43
That error message says that "The application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"

21st August 2012, 09:47
We can only guess what's wrong without seeing your code.

21st August 2012, 10:04
ok. I will show you my code.

This is my Widget.h

#ifndef WIDGET_H
#define WIDGET_H

#include <QWidget>

namespace Ui {
class Widget;

class Widget : public QWidget

explicit Widget(QWidget *parent = 0);
void ShowQML();
void setText(QString);

Ui::Widget *ui;

#endif // WIDGET_H

This is my Widget.cpp

#include "widget.h"
#include "ui_widget.h"
#include <QtGui>
#include <QDeclarativeComponent>
#include <QDeclarativeEngine>
#include <QDeclarativeItem>
#include <QDeclarativeView>

Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Widget)

qDebug()<<"Inside cnstrctr";
void Widget::ShowQML()
QDeclarativeView *testView = new QDeclarativeView();

delete ui;
void Widget::setText(QString msg)
qDebug()<<"Inside slot in CPP";


this is the main file

#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "widget.h"
#include <qdeclarative.h>
#include <QDeclarativeView>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QBoxLayout>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qmlRegisterType<Widget>("File", 1,1, "TextUpdate");
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Widget w;
return a.exec();

and the QML file is

// import QtQuick 1.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
import QtQuick 1.1
import File 1.1

Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 62
id: sample1

21st August 2012, 10:11
First of all you have memory leak in Widget::ShowQML.
Second, are you trying to register Widget (which inherits QWidget) here qmlRegisterType<Widget>("File", 1,1, "TextUpdate");?

21st August 2012, 10:18
Yes, Widget is my class name. I'm trying to register with that class name.

21st August 2012, 10:25
That's not possible. You can only register classes inherited from QObject. I know that QWidget inherits QObject, but you can't register widgets for using them in QML.

Added after 4 minutes:

QML relies heavily on Qt's meta object system and can only instantiate classes that derive from QObject. For visual element types, this will usually mean a subclass of QDeclarativeItem; for models used with the view elements, a subclass of QAbstractItemModel; and for arbitrary objects with properties, a direct subclass of QObject.
See Extending QML Functionalities using C++ (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-extending.html).

21st August 2012, 10:40
yes, now it is worked... :)
one more doubt
In my project i have lots of CPP to QML communication. Then which UI is best for me, QT Quick or QT Widget?

21st August 2012, 10:51
It depends on what kind of UI do you what: modern fancy live ui (with animations and other stuff) or old school ui. :)

21st August 2012, 11:30
:) I'm not developing QML file. I need only communication part.

21st August 2012, 11:34
So, you are working on the back-end. Then you should concentrate on architecting of the back-end structure. If you make the back-end independent from ui then you (or your colleagues) will be able to choose the best ui approach: QML or Qt widget-based.

21st August 2012, 11:42
thank you very much.. :)
I'm working on back-end. I need to emit only some signals to QML file.
I think QT widget is apt for it, right??

21st August 2012, 11:45
Yes, it is.