View Full Version : modeless dialog closed signal?

4th January 2007, 20:13
Is there a signal for when a modeless dialog closed?
I'm trying to write a simple popup dialog that disappears when the user clicks back on the main window. Sort of like how the popup on this date picker behaves: http://www.basicdatepicker.com/

I can't seem to find such a signal though - it's not finished() (seems to be for modal dialogs only?), not destroyed() (only when object gets deleted?)... ?

4th January 2007, 20:17
If you set the destructive close attribute on the dialog, it'll emit a destroyed() signal...

5th January 2007, 00:40
Hmm, that might work, but I'd rather not delete the object - need to extract data from it after the window is closed. I thought about using closeEvent() too, except that I didn't want to handle the close events triggered by clicks outside of the popup window.

In the end, I just wound up connecting a signal from the popup to a custom slot (a handler for selectionChanged() as it were) that just manually closes the window and emit a closed() signal at the same time. Seems simple enough.