View Full Version : What is the block size for setMaximumBlockCount()

23rd August 2012, 01:28

Can any one tell me the size of a block in QTextDocument::setMaximumBlockCount()? I understand what it does but I have yet been able to find the definition of a "block". One answer I found suggested it was all the characters upto a newline. I haven't been able to confirm or deny that.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Regards, B1.

23rd August 2012, 01:49
There is no "block size" this is not a disk sector or tape block. The blocks it is referring to are QTextBlocks and represent the concept of a 'paragraph'. The general structure of a QTextDocument is described here.

23rd August 2012, 13:31
Thank you ChrisW67,

That looks exactly what I need to read.

Thanks again ChrisW67.

Regards, B1.