View Full Version : qt app not responding in window XP

23rd August 2012, 04:10
Hello everyone,

I'm using QT 4.7 in window 7 but i need to give my app to my supervisor and he is using window XP without any QT software installed.
so i build the app using release and put all the libraries need in the release folder, it work perfectly when i used it outside of the qt window.
But then, in window xp, the app can be execute but every click on the gui need window refresh.

its the problem with the os?? how can i solve this?? help me..

thank you in advance..

23rd August 2012, 05:51
its the problem with the os?? how can i solve this?? help me..
No, it's probably your code not returning to the Qt event loop... but that's the end of the help we can offer with no more information.

Try a simple program with a single widget and a few buttons.

23rd August 2012, 07:11
is there any different in code for event looping for different OS??

I'm using stand alone QTCreator.. and i think (not so sure) any use of QEvent function is predefine..
where and how can i check and modified the code??

23rd August 2012, 11:17
No, when ChrisW67 mentions the event loop he does not mean that you should manipulate QEvents. You need to make sure that your code does not get stuck in some slot for too long, thus preventing the event loop from running normally. What happens if you try basic GUI examples such as those from the documentation (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/gettingstartedqt.html)?

23rd August 2012, 11:20
read my sig