View Full Version : QWebkit and dragging problem

25th August 2012, 14:17
As you may know google maps ,see here (https://google-developers.appspot.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/map-simple), are drag-able . I saved this example (https://google-developers.appspot.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/map-simple) from google developers and loaded it in a QWebView object. The map itself loads successfully but I have no dragging, no double clicking and no other mouse events. That would be a bug if I'm true. I want to write a program that shows a map to users in a touch-enabled device . So my program needs to be able to be flicked with finger :)

27th August 2012, 09:18
Create the following class:

class uaWebPage : public QWebPage
explicit uaWebPage(QObject * parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent) {}
virtual QString userAgentForUrl(const QUrl& url) const
return "Chrome/1.0";

And add this in your derived QWebView constructor (or after you create the default QWebView object, using the correct pointer)
setPage(new uaWebPage(this));

4th October 2012, 04:17
That little hack doesn't seem to work anymore!

Used it for the last 3-4 month and now Google must have changed the way they check for the userAgent.
Has anyone come up with a new solution that doesn't require to recompile QWebkit?

4th October 2012, 08:35
Yes, google certainly changed something. I checked the change log and there is some indication about this. Not sure how to get it back working at this point (other than capturing the mouse events myself and calling the pan and zoom through a script). Might be the safest thing to do as any workaround might stop working in the future.

7th October 2012, 13:56
Just have look to here (http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/11729)

I replace

return "Chrome/1.0";

return "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.121 Safari/535.2";
and it works fine.
