View Full Version : Problems animating QGraphicsProxyWidget

27th August 2012, 10:27
Hi All,

I'm trying to animate a push button I have in my scene.
I want the button to become visible with an animation when the mouse enters the scene (essentially gradually changing the opacity of the button from 0 to 1)

The QPropertyAnimation class seems to be exactly what I need but it is not working with QGraphicsProxyWidget.
This is the way I'm creating the button when I initialize the interface of the QGraphicsView

void MyQGraphicsView::buildInterface(){
myButton = new QPushButton(this); // myButton member QPushButton variable
myButtonProxy = scene()->addWidget(myButton); // myButtonProxy member QGraphicsProxyWidget variable

void MyQGraphicsView::enterEvent( QEvent * )
QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(myButtonProxy, "opacity");



The animation has no effect on the opacity of the button. I also tried for test to modify with an animation the position of the button. Well If I create the QPropertyAnimation using the proxy widget then the animation is not working, if I create it using the button itsself then the animation is working (see example below)

void MyQGraphicsView::enterEvent( QEvent * )
// QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(myButtonProxy, "pos"); // DOES NOT WORK
QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(myButton, "pos");

animation->setEndValue(QPointF(scene()->width()/2, scene()->height()/2));


I'm using Qt 4.7.3
Do you have any idea how to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance,

27th August 2012, 22:06
Try using the windowOpacity property of the QPushButton instead of the opacity property of the QGraphicsProxyWidget.

28th August 2012, 10:49
d_stranz thanks for your reply.

I already tried that property but it is not working. As far as I understand that property can only be used for top level widgets.

Added after 1 41 minutes:

I could fix the problem.
I do not need to pass a parent to the QPushButton when creating it.