View Full Version : qdeclarative.h no such file or directory

31st August 2012, 10:04
Hi I am including qdeclarative.h to my header file. Also I have added "QT += declarative " to my .pro file. But I still get no such file or directory error. Can you please help me how can I fix this error?

31st August 2012, 10:20
Include the headers without .h extension: #include <QtDeclarative> (run Rebuild All if still can't be found)

31st August 2012, 10:22
That doesn't work =(

31st August 2012, 10:37
Have you tried with QtDeclarative? Because that's the include for the module and as far as i know there is no qdeclarative header.

//also you can try to include another header from declarative module ex: #include <QDeclarativeView> and see if it works, and it might compile faster if you include only the headers you need.

31st August 2012, 10:46
I tried that it still doesn't work. I included another one just like you said but that does not work either (Both with QDeclarativeView / QtDeclarativeView)=(

31st August 2012, 14:37
Show us your pro-file.

1st September 2012, 09:33
A completion for when i said Rebuild All: that should be Run qmake and then Rebuild All and it should work, if it still doesn't do as spirit said and post the .pro file and also make sure you have Qt 4.7 or newer.