View Full Version : debug problem

8th January 2007, 07:54
Hi All~~, I am a new guy to the qt library:) . and I met a tiny problem when i used qt-x11-opensource-4.2.0. :) I set breakpoints in kdevelop,but those seem didn't work. then i turn to examples and found that there was a *.debug file right beside the execute file.So how to generate the debug file.

8th January 2007, 08:54
Well, you should not need to generate the .debug file, as it is basically an optimization. Normally all information needed for debugging, if compiled for debugging, is embedded to the executable. Qt uses the fact that you can split the debug information in its own file, so that you do not have to load it if you do not need to debug. (The debugger, probably gdb, should find the .debug automatically in this case)

Now, after we established that your problem is probably not the missing ".debug" files, it (sadly) could be a lot of things.

Sadly I do not have much experience with kdevelop.

Where did you try to set the breakpoints?
Is your project compiled to allow debugging?
Have you tried it using gdb directly?

gdb ./executable
break filename:linenum

Does it give you any error messages?