View Full Version : Need Help in Distributing a Basic QT Application

3rd September 2012, 22:17
Hey Friends

I created a simple QT Application on Linux.

Compiled it with Release Build and compressed it to a .zip file.

Sent it to another email address by email.

Now in order to test it on another Linux computer, downloaded the application from email and it worked fine.

Downloaded the .zip file on a windows computer, uploaded it to a windows and Linux server

Now when I download from windows / Linux server and try to run the file (Linux application compressed as a .zip file)

the application contents are shown and I get a folder with all source and other files.

The Same Application opens as application when downloaded from email and when downloaded from my server, it opens up as a folder with all source in it.

Now my question is, how do I distribute my basic qt application so that it opens up as an application and does not opens up with all source files ?


Added after 7 minutes:

My Mistake
All Works Good
I mixed source code and application files
Apologies for this.