View Full Version : QT Operning files

6th September 2012, 15:41
Hello ,

I am new to Qt creator and i want to know how to open a file located in the string variable "path" ?

Thank you.

6th September 2012, 16:09
Did you try the documentation?

6th September 2012, 22:09
gooooooood i found it :)) , QUrl("path") .

6th September 2012, 22:37
Your definition of "open a file" and mine are very different. Creating a URL doesn't do anything to the file. Have a look at QFile if you want to read the files contents in your program, or QDesktopServices::openUrl() if you want to launch whatever application would normally handle the file.

7th September 2012, 06:43
coooool, it wooooorks, finally.. this function even opens web pages :D .. thank you