View Full Version : [solved]jom exit with code 2 without any errors.

7th September 2012, 08:17
On my system I can compile and run any project successfully. Except the one I am working on. Since it is giving absolutely no errors, I cannot find where in to look. The last big piece of change I did before the project stopped compiling and running, was to introduce QSharedPointer<QScriptEngine>. QScriptEngine is forward declared where I declare QSharedPointer<QScriptEngine>. It raises the warning as expected:
C4150: deletion of pointer to complete type QScriptEngine; no destructor called.
Since QScriptEngine is forward declared, it is expected. Compiler doesn't know about class and is cribbing by giving a warning.
There is nothing more other than this.
I tried usual clean, rebuild, delete pro.user file, etc. making sure Clear System environment is unchecked etc.
Any idea where I should begin investigating??!!

Ok. I have found the problem. It is kind of stupid. As it is almost always with these type of errors.
While introducing
public slots:
void someFunction()
I forgot to write public: for the data under!!!