View Full Version : uchar* to int

7th September 2012, 11:41

How can I convert unsigned char* to int in Qt?

Santosh Reddy
7th September 2012, 12:09
one simple way
char* str = "2012";
int num = QString::fromLocal8Bit(str).toInt();

7th September 2012, 12:19
Thanks for reply, but Qt says "argument of type "uchar*" is incompatibile with parametr of "const uchar*"" :(
What can I do with my uchar*?

7th September 2012, 12:42

unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char*)"S";
int num = (int)*ptr;

print ptr & num

7th September 2012, 13:13
See QString::toInt.


unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char*)"S";
int num = (int)*ptr;

print ptr & num

I'm pretty sure that better to use C++ casting (http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq2.html#static-cast) than C ones.

7th September 2012, 13:18
I totally agree so I used:

uchar *poczatek;
poczatek = obraz.bits();
const char *adres = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(poczatek);
int j = QString::fromLocal8Bit(adres).toInt();

but I don't know why j = 0
both pointers as well...

7th September 2012, 13:22
Lets clarify: what are you going to achieve? Do you need to convert a number which contains in a string (e.g. "12" => 12) or what?

7th September 2012, 13:38
Sorry :)

I'm trying to

get adres of first pixel of obraz image so I could use j
as a starting point in loop:

for(int i = j; i <= obraz.height(); i++){
int licznik = 0;
for(int k = 1; k <= obraz.width(); k++){
QRgb tempColorRgb = obraz.pixel(k,i);
QColor tempColor = QColor(tempColorRgb);
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.red();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.green();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.blue();
if (k == obraz.width())
k = 1;

7th September 2012, 13:49
And you want to do...? :)

1st October 2012, 11:50

I've been very busy recently, I would like to back to my post:
I would like to send as a parrameter to my assembler function adress of first red data (each pixel of obraz image is split to RGB)
In order to achive this I have to convert uchar to int

void PROJ_ASM_SEPIA::odcien_szarosci_sl()
// int *wektor = new int[obraz.height()*obraz.width()*3];
uchar *poczatek;
poczatek = obraz.bits(); //getting adress of first pixel in image obraz (uchar)
const char *adres = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(poczatek); //convertion to const char
int j = QString::fromLocal8Bit(adres).toInt(); //convertion char to int

for(int i = j; i <= obraz.height(); i++){ //adres of first pixel (j) as a starting point of the loop
int licznik = 0;
for(int k = 1; k <= obraz.width(); k++){ //every pixel is split to RGB data - red green blue - data is stored in wektor
QRgb tempColorRgb = obraz.pixel(k,i);
QColor tempColor = QColor(tempColorRgb);
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.red();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.green();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.blue();
if (k == obraz.width())
k = 1;

odcien_szar(wektor[0],obraz.width(),obraz.height()); //assembler function calling with adress of first data (red of first pixel)

The point is that the assembler function (gray scale) get adress of first pixel to make some calculations over rest of pixels.

1st October 2012, 14:42
Show the definition of the function odcien_szar

1st October 2012, 15:12

provided that wektor[0] is the address you want to pass to odcien_szar. Note that your odcien_szar function should take a uchar* and not an int, though. sizeof(int) doesn't have to be equal to sizeof(uchar*).

1st October 2012, 17:17
here is the code of odcien_szar and sepia as well:

include filtry.inc


;************************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************

;************************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************


odcien_szar PROC uses ebx edx, w_bmp :DWORD, szerokosc :DWORD, wysokosc :DWORD

mov eax, szerokosc ;ładowanie do rejestru szerokości obrazu.
mov ebx, wysokosc ;ładowanie do rejestru wysokości obrazu
mul ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov ebx, 3 ;RGB - RED, GREEN, BLUE
mul ebx

mov esi, w_bmp ;wskaźnik do początku tablicy bajtów obrazu bitmapy.
mov ecx, eax ;ecx - liczba bajtów do przetworzenia

add ecx, esi

assume esi:ptr byte

petla: xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx

mov al, [esi] ;Å‚adowanie R
mov bl, [esi+1] ;Å‚adowanie G
add eax, ebx ;sumowanie R + G
mov bl, [esi+2] ;Å‚adowanie B
add eax, ebx ;sumowanie R + G + B
xor ebx, ebx
mov ebx, 3
div ebx
mov [esi], al ;zapisywanie R
mov [esi+1], al ;zapisywanie G
mov [esi+2], al ;zapisywanie B
add esi, ebx ;zwiększanie adresu
cmp ecx, esi ;porównywanie zawartości dwóch rejestrów
ja petla ;skocz na początek jeśli ecx > esi

odcien_szar endp


;************************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************

;************************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************


sepia PROC uses eax ebx edx esi edi, w_bmp :DWORD, szerokosc :DWORD, wysokosc :DWORD

invoke odcien_szar, w_bmp, szerokosc, wysokosc ;wywołanie procedury

mov eax, szerokosc ;ładowanie do rejestru szerokości obrazu.
mov ebx, wysokosc ;ładowanie do rejestru wysokości obrazu
mul ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov ebx, 3 ;RGB - RED, GREEN, BLUE
mul ebx

mov esi, w_bmp ;wskaźnik do początku tablicy bajtów obrazu bitmapy.
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, esi

assume esi:ptr byte

petla: xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
;mov eax, parametr
mov ebx, 2
mul ebx
mov bl, [esi]
add eax, ebx
mov [esi], al

xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
;mov eax, parametr
mov bl, [esi+1]
add eax, ebx
mov [esi+1], al

xor ebx, ebx
mov ebx, 3
add esi, ebx
cmp ecx, esi ;porównywanie zawartości dwóch rejestrów
ja petla ;skocz na początek jeśli ecx > esi

sepia endp

Wysota (Master of Zen) said:

Note that your odcien_szar function should take a uchar* and not an int, though. sizeof(int) doesn't have to be equal to sizeof(uchar*).

My intention is to send to function odcien_szar and sepia vector of binary representing data (RGB) so the further processing may take palce.

2nd October 2012, 10:01
Show a C header definition of this function not body.

2nd October 2012, 10:10
sorry c header of which function?
Spia and odcien_szar are functions stored in file with .asm extention, thus they hasn't got a c ext.

here is code of header PROJ_ASM_SEPIA class:

#pragma once
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QMenu>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include "ui_proj_asm_sepia.h"
#include <QBitmap>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QScrollArea>

//#include "resource.h"
#include <windows.h>
extern "C" void _stdcall odcien_szar (DWORD x, DWORD y, DWORD z);
extern "C" void _stdcall sepia (DWORD x, DWORD y, DWORD z);

class PROJ_ASM_SEPIA : public QMainWindow

PROJ_ASM_SEPIA(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);

public slots:
void wyjscie();
void komunikat_o_programie();
void instrukcje();
void otworz_plik();
void odcien_szarosci_sl();
void sepia_sl();
QImage obraz;
int konwersja(uchar *adres);

#endif // PROJ_ASM_SEPIA_H

here is the file tree of my vs solution

2nd October 2012, 11:45
OK, first parameter (x) should be an address or value ?

2nd October 2012, 17:15
yes, exactly.

As the cell in memory are numbered by 0x values, I would like change this value to int (decimal) and sent the starting point of my vector to assembler function

2nd October 2012, 17:35
sent the starting point of my vector
That's an address, not a value.

2nd October 2012, 17:51
sorry I just lost myself....
Let' try from the other hand. How to send to function odcien_szar (acording to parameters of this function) whole information about every color rgb i every pixel?

2nd October 2012, 18:00
I would send QImage::bits() which is an address of a memory area containing pixel data for an image. Thus passing it as int albeit will succeed, is not a good thing to do because it is not a value but rather an address (aka pointer).

2nd October 2012, 18:15
This is my function:

void PROJ_ASM_SEPIA::odcien_szarosci_sl()
int *wektor = new int[obraz.height()*obraz.width()*3];
int j;
uchar *poczatek;
poczatek = obraz.bits();
//const char *adres = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(poczatek);
//int j = QString::fromLocal8Bit(adres).toInt();

//j = konwersja(poczatek);

for(int i = j; i <= obraz.height(); i++){
int licznik = 0;
for(int k = 1; k <= obraz.width(); k++){
QRgb tempColorRgb = obraz.pixel(k,i);
QColor tempColor = QColor(tempColorRgb);
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.red();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.green();
wektor[i * obraz.width() + k + licznik] = tempColor.blue();
if (k == obraz.width())
k = 1;


I am using exactly the same function bits() to get a pointer to first pixel data.
Now I want to create a map in memory of every pixel splitting everyone to rgb, so finaly vector will be 3 times bigger. to achive this I want also use pointer from function bits() converted to int as a starting point of the loop (var j) (process to RGB)
Please help I am despared:(

2nd October 2012, 19:16
int j; // what is j?
for(int i = j; ...) /// now what is i? OOPS

for(int k = 1; k <= obraz.width(); k++)
In c++ where arrays are zero-based, we start from 0, not 1. when k==obraz.width() you will go out of bounds.

Basic, basic c++. :confused:

2nd October 2012, 20:31
I'm having another doubt....

"wektor" is an array of integers (assuming 32 or 64 bits). To each cell (four or eight bytes) of the array you are assigning a colour component from a 24/32 bit image (making component values range from 0 to 255 which is 1 byte). Thus one thing is you are wasting 75% (in case of 32b ints) of the allocated memory and another is that you are probably (can't see it right now since we're on page 2 of this thread) not taking that into account when using the array in your assembly code. If you preview that array (by dumping it to screen or disk) you'll see 75% of the area is 0x00. And one more thing is that since you are working with long words, you have to take into consideration byte order (big-endian vs little-endian) of each long word.