View Full Version : QML based project deployment problem

17th September 2012, 14:12
I wanted to release my QML based project . In the target computer I could run the program but none of the pictures were loaded ! I didn't use resource system and my pictures are in a folder called 'images' next to the main.qml qml file and the source of the Image element is:

The main qml file is loaded in the QMLViewer using the following code :

QmlApplicationViewer *_viewer = new ...;
_viewer->setMainQmlFile(QLatin1String("qml/MyCompany/main.qml"));//images folder is in qml/MyCompany directory

QmlApplicationViewer is a class that is created automatically by Qt.
Is this a well known problem for QML?
How can I solve it ?

Added after 16 minutes:

The stranger thing is that the deployed version works in my computer and every thing loads correctly !

19th September 2012, 12:42
The problem has been solved :D
I should have copied qjpeg4.dll in imageformats folder besides .exe file.