View Full Version : set Icon to .app file

10th January 2007, 08:47
Hi All,

I m using qt 4.2.2 on my Mac Intel.
I have created a project name DMR and it has its .app file dmr.app
I want that my .app file should have an Icon set by me that is any icon say app.icns.

If any Body knows how to set the application Icon then plz tell me the procedure.

10th January 2007, 09:04
In your pro file add the line

RC_FILE = app.icns

and build your project again

10th January 2007, 21:13
The correct qmake line is:

ICON = myapp.icns

If you also want a document icon, help files, or other resources, then you will need to provide a customized Info.plist and use an "install" target to copy them into the app bundle. See the Apple developer documentation for where things are located in a bundle and what to put in the Info.plist.