View Full Version : How to Create Executable file for my program

28th September 2012, 22:04
I have developed a program using QT creator now i want to show my program to my friends but not the code for that i need to create only executable file .
note i linked my program with opencv library,,

i found a project developed by qt with opencv and he makes his project as .exe .. int this link:

i want to do the same link above for my project on windows or linux..

best wishes

29th September 2012, 10:49
you have to put openCV's dll files in your release folder and then your exe file must works fine now :)

29th September 2012, 11:29
but suppose,, if my friend does not have Qt on his computer
is it works with him or not ?
if not, should I include Qt .dll files into release

29th September 2012, 12:08
Yes you have to copy Qt dll files into release

29th September 2012, 15:39
Deploying Qt Applications (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/deployment.html). Just pick a platform.