View Full Version : Help with Ibase plugin on Mac os X, driver not loaded

3rd October 2012, 15:01
i’ve Mac 10.6.2
qt version:4.8.1

i’m trying build the Ibase(firebird) plugin for qt, but i have some problems…
these are the steps:

I download src.
I build my driver:

qmake -spec macx-g++ -o Makefile "INCLUDEPATH+=/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" "LIBS+=-L/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries -lfbclient" ibase.pro

Now i copy libqsqlibase.dylib libqsqlibase_debug.dylib in to the sqldriver folder.

My project serch the plugin in the correct folder because I have checked with the following command

DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 ./miapp.app/Contents/MacOS/miapp


QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/Users/dani/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlibase.dylib"
In /Users/dani/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlibase.dylib:
Plugin uses incompatible Qt library
expected build key "macosx macx-cocoa g++-4 full-config", got "macosx macx-cocoa g++-4 no-pkg-config"

How i can change no-pkg-config building to full-config?

what’s the problem? Thank you

Added after 1 33 minutes:

I think I've found the problem, but not if it is the best way or not, some expert me clarify a bit.

I knew that had to be a line to indicate that version had to compile, then I went to spotlight and search, "no-pk-config" giving me qconfig.h resulting file located in the folder src / corelib / global
there is one line that said something like:
define QT_BUILD_KEY "macosx-cocoa macx g+ + -4 no-pkg-config"
change it to

# define QT_BUILD_KEY "macosx-cocoa macx g+ + -4 full-config"
which was what I needed.

And surprisingly it worked, did not give any issue in the future?