View Full Version : How to change border colors of a widget?

16th October 2012, 10:40
I want to change the color of right border of a widget and leave others unchanged. Is it possible? If so, How can I do that?

In the following code
#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget window;
QLineEdit line;
QHBoxLayout hl;
QString st;

// line.setStyleSheet("border: 10px solid blue;"); //<----------- first

st.append("border-right: 10px solid blue;");

line.setStyleSheet(st); //<------------ second

st.append("border-top: 10px solid blue;");

// line.setStyleSheet(st); //<----------- third

st.append("border-left: 10px solid blue;");
st.append("border-bottom: 10px solid blue;");

// line.setStyleSheet(st); //<------------ forth

window.resize(640, 480);

return app.exec();
} the statements marked first and forth are working as expected, the third has some effects, but the second has no effect.

Added after 1 8 minutes:

Consider following paragraphs from Qt's Docs stylesheet-reference.html:

One to four occurrences of Brush, specifying the top, right, bottom, and left edges of a box, respectively. If the left color is not specified, it is taken to be the same as the right color. If the bottom color is not specified, it is taken to be the same as the top color. If the right color is not specified, it is taken to be the same as the top color. Example:
QLabel { border-color: red } /* red red red red */
QLabel { border-color: red blue } /* red blue red blue */
QLabel { border-color: red blue green } /* red blue green blue */
QLabel { border-color: red blue green yellow } /* red blue green yellow */
border-color The color of all the border's edges. Equivalent to specifying border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, and border-left-color.
border-right Shorthand notation for setting the widget's right border. Equivalent to specifying border-right-color, border-right-style, and/or border-right-width.
There's similar statements for width and style.
Now, isn't this in contradiction to the what happens in the example of first post?