View Full Version : Using a QProgressbar in a For Loop

20th October 2012, 03:13
Hi! I want to use a Qprogressbar using a For Loop. Every time the value inside the for loop changes, it sets the value of the progress bar. A sample code will be helpful.


20th October 2012, 08:56
for(int i=0;i<100;++i) { progressBar->setValue(i); qApp->processEvents(); }

22nd October 2012, 07:43
thanks wysota. regarding process events, i tried it now, but it seems the process becomes slow. is there a way to adjust the process time? the process im doing is transferring of files.

22nd October 2012, 08:16
thanks wysota. regarding process events, i tried it now, but it seems the process becomes slow.
Obviously as your application has much more to do.

is there a way to adjust the process time? the process im doing is transferring of files.


for(int i=0;i<100;++i) { progressBar->setValue(i); if(i % 100 == 0) qApp->processEvents(); }

22nd October 2012, 09:13
my concern is that i want to prevent the application to get into "not responding" status if seen at the task manager while doing the for loop. i'll try your suggestion.thanks!

22nd October 2012, 09:19
You can always copy files in a secondary thread, e.g. something like this might work:

struct FileStruct {
QString sourcePath;
QString destPath;
FileStruct(s, d) : sourcePath(s), destPath(d) {}

bool copyFile(FileStruct s) {
QFile::copy(s.sourcePath, s.destPath);
return true;

QList<FileStruct> filesToCopy;
filesToCopy << FileStruct(...,...) << FileStruct(...,...) << FileStruct(...,...);

QFuture<bool> result = QtConcurrent::mapped(filesToCopy, copyFile);

but it will probably be slower than copying one file at a time (unless you have a SSD disk).