View Full Version : Qt Creator Is there any way to improve debuging?

21st October 2012, 11:29
Hello everybody.

I would like to know - is there any way to improve debuging - what I mean is: if I have a QTcpSocket object or QImage object or any other QT object I usually can't see any properties, just a pointer, for example:


As you can see, for QTcpSocket - I can only "debug" the pointer, while I can expand "this", and see it's properties. I would like to do the same with QTcpSocket to - for example - see if "hasPendingConnections()" returns true. Is it possible or is it a limitation of GDB/QT/C++ ?

Thanks in advance.

23rd November 2012, 22:33
You see already "special" display, see the QString and the QStringList: This shows the QString contents, not the d pointer. If you don't see the QObject property it means you are probably using a non-debug build of the Qt libraries. With a debug build you should get the object name and properties.