View Full Version : Localization - shortDayName - Raspberry Pi

25th October 2012, 17:18

I'm using a Mac to develop a Qt application for Raspberry Pi.

In my software I'm doing QString dateCurrentString = dt.toString(QString("ddd dd MMM yyyy"));
so, using "ddd" I'm calling QDate::shortDayName which is a localized function.

The problem is that my software is running fine (with french localized short day name) on my Mac.
But on the Raspberry Pi, I have an english short day name.

I don't know what Qt use to "know" which locale I need.

I tried on the Raspberry Pi to fix it by using raspi-config and set local (with
"change_local" menu) to fr_FR.UTF-8
I verified by using this command line :
$ echo $LANG

but my software is always in english

so maybe I forget to set something else.

Kind regards


Added after 51 minutes:

I started my software after setting this environment variable :
export LC_ALL=$LANG

and now it's working fine...

that's really strange because according to
On Linux, query() returns only the measurement system by inspecting the LC_MEASUREMENT, LC_ALL and LANG environment variables (in that order).

LC_MEASUREMENT and LC_ALL were empty strings so my software should use LANG... but this doesn't not seem to be the case!