View Full Version : A problem of OOP

4th November 2012, 10:35
Hello to all. I have to design an animation of a robot that has the sensors (sonar and collision), an actuator position in the 2D plane, a body and a brain to determine movement strategies. In this project, what are the classes ? What is the base class ? The other classes that inherit what are they ?

4th November 2012, 11:27
In this project, what are the classes ?

As Qt does not have a 'robot' library, you are going to have to write them yourself.

4th November 2012, 15:13
Yes, referring to my project, how can I set my search of the base classes etc ... ? I would like to take a course of action as in the example is in "Qt Examples and Demos" under "Graphics View" and then "Drag & Drop Robot". Of course I use QgraphicsObject, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsItem. Having to adopt the OOP, how do I analyze my project ?

4th November 2012, 15:58
Requirements engineering or use case analysis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements_engineering, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use-case_analysis

This is not a programming question...

6th November 2012, 10:43
thanks for the link amleto, where can I find a forum for this type of discussion ?

6th November 2012, 11:21
I'm not familiar with any. I think articles will be of more use than forums.