View Full Version : must modify the .pro file to declare the Qt Mobility APIs

5th November 2012, 23:09
Hi to all...
I am brand new to QT Creator and in fact do not have much experience with Object oriented programming at all. I downloaded the QT Creator program and was going to follow the BatteryStatus example but ran into a problem right away. I created the project with no problems but according to the instructions I now "must modify the .pro file to declare the Qt Mobility APIs." However, when I tried to open the BatteryStatus.pro file nothing happened. I can open it with Notpad but before I modify it with the required additions I thought I would be wise to check and see if there is something I am doing wrong here.

The instructions say I must add the following to the BatteryStatus.pro file:

CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY = systeminfo

Any help would be appreciated.