View Full Version : Vs2008 qmake requires conversion

7th November 2012, 20:15
I have run qmake for years to generate projects for Visual Studio 2008 with no issues. Recently I had to install Visual Studio 2010 for another project. Ever since then whenever I open my Qmake made vcproj(s) in VS2008 I am required to convert.

Everything works fine after the conversion, but it is annoying and creates a lot of junk files in the vcproj directory.

I have QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2008. I am using the Qt command shortcut to ensure it has the proper variables in the PATH and I have double checked in the command window's PATH to ensure it is not overwritten.

Any thoughts/ideas?

Thanks in advance.

7th November 2012, 20:34
uhm... change the QMAKESPEC?

7th November 2012, 20:41
Sorry but to what? I WANT to open the qmake generated vcproj in Visual Studio 2008 hence QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2008

The only difference on the system is that Visual Studio 2010 is now also installed, but not being used in this project. So does qmake grab some variable from somewhere other than the path or something that is putting something in it that VS2008 can't handle?

8th November 2012, 17:37
Information that may help is that the upgrade log claims it is adding UAC stuff to the vcproj. Does Qt not add this in qmake?

8th November 2012, 21:46
If you have two MSVS installed MS always wants to open in the most recent version. If you dont, then open 2008 first and open .vcproj. There shouldn't be any problem.

8th November 2012, 22:20
In this case I am opening VS2008 then opening the vcproj created using qmake with a win32-msvc2008 makespec and it is requiring conversion. Visual Studio 2010 is never opened, it just happens to be on the system and the problem did not start until it was installed.

9th November 2012, 19:14
never heard of that. if the project was in 2010 format, then it would not be able to convert back to 2008

7th January 2013, 14:55
Found solution. It was super simple and stupid. We were using a modified version of Qt and the qmakevars.bat did not have a PATH setter for the path to the appropriate visual studio piece. Adding the bin from Visual Studio's VC directory to path solved it.