View Full Version : Visual Studio 2010 and Qwt - Problem Compiling Programs

8th November 2012, 17:22
This may be a better question to put on the Qwt subforum, but I'm an extreme newbie at this, so I'll post it in both places. Mods, feel free to delete whichever one you think needs to go.

I'm trying to do some preliminary research into Qwt for a future project and have run into program compilation issues when using Visual Studio 2010.
I'm basically trying to build and compile the spectrogram example from the qwt examples (not the exact files, just marginally tweaked). Visual Studio gives me the following output when building:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Spectrogram, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Build started 11/8/2012 10:17:19 AM.
1> Deleting file "Debug\Spectrogram.lastbuildstate".
1> Touching "Debug\Spectrogram.unsuccessfulbuild".
1> Moc'ing spectrogram.h...
1> Uic'ing spectrogram.ui...
1> Rcc'ing spectrogram.qrc...
1>RCC : warning : No resources in 'C:\Users\xxxxxx\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Spectrogram\Spectrogram\spectrogram. qrc'.
1> moc_spectrogram.cpp
1> main.cpp
1> spectrogram.cpp
1> Generating Code...
1> qrc_spectrogram.cpp
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __thiscall QSvgGenerator::~QSvgGenerator(void)" (??1QSvgGenerator@@UAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall QSvgGenerator::setViewBox(class QRectF const &)" (?setViewBox@QSvgGenerator@@QAEXABVQRectF@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall QSvgGenerator::setResolution(int)" (?setResolution@QSvgGenerator@@QAEXH@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall QSvgGenerator::setFileName(class QString const &)" (?setFileName@QSvgGenerator@@QAEXABVQString@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall QSvgGenerator::setTitle(class QString const &)" (?setTitle@QSvgGenerator@@QAEXABVQString@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall QSvgGenerator::QSvgGenerator(void)" (??0QSvgGenerator@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderDocument(class QwtPlot *,class QString const &,class QString const &,class QSizeF const &,int)" (?renderDocument@QwtPlotRenderer@@QAEXPAVQwtPlot@@ ABVQString@@1ABVQSizeF@@H@Z)
1>qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class QRectF __thiscall QSvgGenerator::viewBoxF(void)const " (?viewBoxF@QSvgGenerator@@QBE?AVQRectF@@XZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall QwtPlotRenderer::renderTo(class QwtPlot *,class QSvgGenerator &)const " (?renderTo@QwtPlotRenderer@@QBEXPAVQwtPlot@@AAVQSv gGenerator@@@Z)
1>C:\Users\xxxxxx\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Spectrogram\Win32\Debug\\Spectrogram .exe : fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals

I think I understand that it's complaining about not being able to find the qwtd.lib library file. However, I've pointed VS2010 to this file several times without success. I do not know what to try next at this point. Can anybody help?

Installation and configuration notes:
* For Qt, I statically compiled the Qt source (4.8.3) using qmake from the Visual Studio 2010 command prompt (with the -static flag and -platform win32-msvc2010 flags among others). Basic Qt programs compile and run just fine in my setup.
* For Qwt 6.0.1, I modified the qwtconfig.pri to point to the correct path and to comment out the DLL line (in order to enable static compile).
* I then compiled Qwt with qmake -spec win32-msvc2010 qwt.pro, ran nmake, and then ran nmake install
* In my VS project settings, I made sure that the SRC path had both the Qt and Qwt src folders, the LIB path had both folders, and the INCLUDE path had the Qt include and Qwt source folder.
* Under the Linker Additional Dependencies, I pointed it to the qwtd.lib file

I've tried running Visual Studio by itself and through the Digia Qt Visual Studio shortcut - both have given me the above error with some slight massaging (I had to modify the qtvars.bat file to add in the correct SRC, LIB, and INCLUDE paths for the project).

Can anybody help?

9th November 2012, 19:17
no, it says qwtd.lib(qwt_plot_renderer.obj) cannot find qsvgGenerator

so it is trying to build qwt_plot_renderer.obj. I doubt it should be doing this since you should only need your app to link with qwtd.lib

9th November 2012, 19:41
Thanks for the answer!
I guess it helps to read everything multiple times before asking a stupid question. I commented out all of the print functionality from the spectrogram example and it ran just fine.
I guess this begs the question, why did this happen? Could something have gotten messed up during the original Qt build?

9th November 2012, 20:11
are you sure you weren't rebuilding qwt?

13th November 2012, 21:46
Does your Qt project include?

QT += svg

This will add the Qt SVG library into the link command.