View Full Version : QTableView with QSortFilterProxyModel

12th November 2012, 21:14
I have a QTableView with an overloaded QSortFilterProxyModel (filterAcceptsRows is the only overloaded method)

I am trying to update this code not design it so I am coming into it and trying to figure out what is going on.

The issue I am having is I am trying to output the selection from the table as a Comma Separated Value table for use in Excel and in the same order as it is visible. This is what I tried in pseudocode:

QTableView* view = getTheTableView(); // psuedocode that gets member in this case
QModelIndexList indexes = view->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();

//Iterate through the indexes and output them to the csv file

Is that the call I want?

I have also tried:

QSortFilterProxyModel* model = getTheModel(); //Psuedocode that gets member in this case
QTableView* view = getTheTableView(); // psuedocode that gets member in this case
QModelIndexList indexes = view->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();

QItemSelection* itemSelection = model->mapSelectionFromSource(indexes); //Tried TO and FROM source here
QModelIndexList* mappedIndexes = itemSelection->indexes;

//try output on mappedIndexes

In all of these cases the QModelIndexList seems to stay in the same order.

I am just trying to get the items as they are listed in the view.

13th November 2012, 04:11
To maintain the order in the view, you'll have to iterate through the proxy model and check each index to see if it is selected.

Using your example:
QSortFilterProxyModel* model = getTheModel(); //Psuedocode that gets member in this case
QTableView* view = getTheTableView(); // psuedocode that gets member in this case

for(int i=0; i< model->rowCount(); ++i){
QModelIndex index = model->index(i,0); // only one column :)
// output to csv file

13th November 2012, 13:53
Trying that now, Thanks. Just realized I forgot to mention that the columns are movable in the view and I need to maintain that order in the csv. That may affect the answer.


Yes, this gets me the data, but unfortunately it is in the original order of the model and not in the revised view order.

If I start with:

1 2 3

and move the columns in the view to give me: (moved last column to first)

3 1 2

How can I get THAT order? Since a model can have multiple views I am assuming that the model does not know the order, but I am not sure how to get it from the QTableView.


13th November 2012, 15:03
Iterate QHeaderView::logicalIndex().

QModelIndex index = model->index(row, view->horizontalHeader()->logicalIndex(col));

13th November 2012, 15:38
B E A utiful! That is exactly what was needed. Thank you very much.